Leçons Coaching Réparations
L'École de Golf la plus reconnue en Outaouais

Nos Enseignants

Michel Dagenais
Member of the PGA of Canada since 1981
PGA of Canada Class “A” Member since 1987
1986 Canadian National Long Drive Champion
Winner of multiple PGA events in Canada
Lowest tournament score - 64
Winner of the PGA Ottawa Zone Championship 2009 (-9)
Winner of PGA of Canada Ottawa Zone Teacher of the year 2006, 2010 and 2019
Nominated for PGA of Canada Ottawa Zone Teacher of the year 6 years in a row
Worked with PGA Tour, Champions Tour and LPGA Tour Players
PGA Tour Champions Qualifying Tournament 2015 (71-76-76-68)
Inventor of the SFPro Golf Fitness System
Sold SFPro Systems all over the world
Attended the PGA Golf Show in Orlando as exhibitor 5 times
Worked with experts in the field of bio-mechanics in physiotherapy and re-habilitation for golfers
In 2002, designed a computerized golf swing quantification program
Author of a book on body type specific teaching for golf
2014 Gave seminar for the PGA of Canada on body type specific teaching
2014 Gave seminar for the PGA of America Philadelphia section on body type specific teaching
2017 Invited to give seminar for PGA of Canada
Played and practiced extensively with legendary ball striker Moe Norman
2016 Senior British Open qualifier missed by one shot
2016 Finished 3rd place PGA of Canada Seniors Championship
2019 Inventor of the BTS Golf Teaching and Training System
2019 Finalist to the Teacher of the Year for Canada Award.
2022 PGA Ottawa Spring Open Champion
2022 PGA Ottawa Summer Open Champion
2022 PGA Ottawa Player of the Year
2023 Introduced the BTS Custom Fit PD92 irons and BTS Custom Fit System

Patrick Dagenais
Instructeur Certifié BTS Golf
Instructeur Certifié Premier Départ - First Tee Program
Club fiitter Certifié BTS Golf
Certifié dans l'assemblage de bàtons BTS Golf
Instructeur Certifié Coachnow Teaching App
Patrick est un golfeur de haut niveau qui a une bonne connaissance des fondamentaux nécéssaire à l'exécution d'un bon élan de golf.
Patrick a un bon oeil pour détecter les différents problèmes de l'élan et il sait offrir les correctifs les plus efficaces et simples.
Patrick a aussi accès à un répertoire de connaissances de plus de 40 années d'enseignement du golf au plus haut niveau.